Current Issue
2024 Vol.17, Issue 4
Development of Digital Sensor Based Real-Time Monitoring System for Aged Bridges
디지털 센서 기반 노후교량 상시 모니터링 시스템 개발
Sangki Park, Dong-Woo Seo, Ki-Tae Park, Hojin Kim, Wook Kim, Minjoon Kong, Tackgon Lee
박상기, 서동우, 박기태, >김호진, 김욱, 공민준, 이탁곤
Development of Digital Sensor Based Real-Time Monitoring System for Aged Bridges
Activation Energy of Engineered Cementitious Composite by Thermal Conduction
열전도에 의한 고인성 섬유보강 시멘트계 복합재의 활성화 에너지 평가
Jaehwan Kim, Sangki Park, Dong-Woo Seo, Kyu-San Jung
김재환, 박상기, 서동우, 정규산
Activation Energy of Engineered Cementitious Composite by Thermal Conduction
Development of AE and Vibration Measurement Device and Analysis System for Monitoring the Fracture of Internal Tendons in Bridges
교량 내부 텐던 상태 모니터링을 위한 복합진동 모니터링 측정 장비 및 분석 시스템 개발
Jaehwan Kim, Sangki Park, Kyu-San Jung, Dong-Woo Seo, Byeong-Hee Han, Jinho Woo, Yeonwoo Shin
김재환, 박상기, 정규산, 서동우, >한병희, 우진호, 신연우
Development of AE and Vibration Measurement Device and Analysis System for Monitoring the Fracture of Internal Tendons in Bridges
Proposal for Improvement of Safety Inspection System and Regular Safety Inspection Evaluation Criteria for Pedestrian Suspension Bridges
출렁다리 안전점검 체계 및 정기안전점검 평가기준 개선 방안
Bong Chul Joo, Sung Yong Park, Byeong Cheol Kim, Sung Jin Lee
주봉철, 박성용, 김병철, 이성진
Proposal for Improvement of Safety Inspection System and Regular Safety Inspection Evaluation Criteria for Pedestrian Suspension Bridges
Review of Digital Twin Research Trends for Bridge Maintenance
디지털 트윈 기반 교량 유지관리 연구 동향 분석
Chi-Ho Jeon, Dong-Woo Seo, Sangki Park, Ki-Tae Park
전치호, 서동우, 박상기, 박기태
Review of Digital Twin Research Trends for Bridge Maintenance
Simulation of Debris Flow in Mountainous Watersheds Near Coastal Areas Using the HEC-RAS Model
HEC-RAS 모형을 활용한 해안 인근 산악지형 유역의 토석류 모의
Hyung-Joon Chang, Ho-Jin Lee, Byung-Soo Park, Chang-Deok Jang, Seonggoo Kim
장형준, 이호진, 박병수, 장창덕, 김성구
Simulation of Debris Flow in Mountainous Watersheds Near Coastal Areas Using the HEC-RAS Model
Application of Inundation Analysis Model for Analysis of Inundation Characteristics in Coastal Areas
연안지역 침수특성 분석을 위한 내수침수 해석모형의 적용
Bae-Dong Kang, Sung-Uk Kim, Woong-Hwan Kim, Kye-Won Jun
강배동, 김성욱, 김웅환, 전계원
Application of Inundation Analysis Model for Analysis of Inundation Characteristics in Coastal Areas
Analysis of Debris Flow Behavior Characteristics Using SINMAP and FLO-2D
SINMAP과 FLO-2D를 이용한 토석류 거동특성 분석
Hang-Il Jo, Jeong-Woo Ha, Kye-Won Jun
조항일, 하정우, 전계원
Analysis of Debris Flow Behavior Characteristics Using SINMAP and FLO-2D
A Study on the Integrated Improvement Plan and System for Non-Structural Measures to Prepare for Natural Disaster
자연재난 대비 비구조적 대책의 통합적 개선 방안 및 체계 연구
Sangsik Park, Yongkeun Jee, Eungbeom Lee
박상식, 지용근, 이응범
A Study on the Integrated Improvement Plan and System for Non-Structural Measures to Prepare for Natural Disaster
Assessment of Stormwater Drainage Capacity Using XP-SWMM for Urban Flood Damage Mitigation: Focused on Gunsan City
도심지 침수피해 저감을 위한 XP-SWMM 기반 우수 배제 능력 검토: 군산시를 중심으로
Sung-Uk Kim, Kye-Won Jun, Tae-Wan Kim, Bae-Dong Kang
김성욱, 전계원, 김태완, 강배동
Assessment of Stormwater Drainage Capacity Using XP-SWMM for Urban Flood Damage Mitigation: Focused on Gunsan City
Data Anomaly Detection of Monitoring System
교량 모니터링 시스템의 취득데이터 오류신호 검지
Wook Kim, Hojin Kim, Jinhee Lee, Heesoo Son
김욱, 김호진, 이진희, 손희수
Data Anomaly Detection of Monitoring System