Original Article

Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security. 31 March 2022. 23-34



  • 1. 서 론

  • 2. 본 론

  •   2.1 현황분석

  •   2.2 설계도서 구성 항목의 제안

  • 3. 결 론

1. 서 론

환경오염에 대한 대중적인 관심은 지속되고 있으며, 정부에서도 환경오염을 방지하기 위한 노력을 해오고 있다. 특히 유독화학물질 등이 하천에 유입될 경우 환경재난의 위험을 가중하게 된다. 1991년 낙동강 페놀 오염 사고를 계기로 정부에서는 낙동강수계 물관리 종합대책과 낙동강수계 물관리 및 주민지원 등에 관한 법률을 제정하여 수질유해물질로 인한 수자원 오염 등의 환경재난을 저감하기 위해 완충저류시설의 설치를 도입하였다. 완충저류시설은 공업지역 또는 산업지역 내 사고 및 화제 등으로 인한 사고 유출수 및 초기우수를 저류하는 시설(환경부 예규 제665호) 로 물환경보전법 시행규칙에서 설치대상을 정하고 있다. 현재 완충저류시설은 관련법·제도가 제정된 이후 지속적으로 건설되고 있으나, 완충저류시설 설계와 관련된 연구사례는 부족한 실정이다. 또한, 설계도서 구성을 위한 구체적인 가이드라인이 부족한 상황으로 설계자의 사업수행경험과 식견에 의지하여 설계도서를 작성하고 있어 설계자의 역량에 따라 설계 성과의 품질차이가 발생하는 우려가 높은 상황이다. 이러한 제도적 미흡함을 보완하고 좀 더 체계적인 설계 기반을 마련하고자 본 연구에서는 완충저류시설의 설계항목을 검토하고, 설계도서 작성에 필요한 세부항목을 제안하는 것을 목적으로 하였다.

2. 본 론

2.1 현황분석

완충저류시설의 현황분석은 국내의 완충저류시설 설계 도서를 수집하고, 각각의 완충저류시설 설계과정에서 포함된 설계 항목을 도출하였다. 도출된 항목을 비교 및 검토하여 설계과정에서 불필요한 부분과 중복된 부분을 제거하여 완충저류시설 설계항목을 제안하였다.

완충저류시설 현황분석에 사용된 설계도서는 기본설계 및 실시설계 자료를 수집하여 분석하였다. 자료수집 기간은 완충저류시설이 본격적으로 설치되기 시작한 2004년부터 가장 최근인 2020년까지 설계가 완료된 자료를 수집대상으로 선정하였다. 주요 조사 문헌은 다음 Table 1에 수록하였다.

Table 1.

Main literature of design documents

No. Name Author Year
Case01 Basic & Working Plan of Buffering Retention Facility for Ochang Scientific
Industrial Complex at Cheongju
Cheongju-City, Korea
Environment Corporation
Case02 Basic & Working Plan of Buffering Retention Facility for Jinwi 3rd Industrial
Complex at Pyeongtaek-si
Jinwi 3rd Industrial Complex2017
Case03 Basic & Working Plan of Buffering Retention Facility for MegaPolis at
Case04 Basic & Working Plan of Buffering Retension Facility for Goryeong Dasan
Industrial Complex in Nakdong River Basin
Korea Environment Corporation2014
Case05 Basic & Working Plan of Buffering Retention Facility for Kimcheon Industrial
Complex in Nakdong River Basin
Korea Environment Corporation2013
Case06 Basic & Working Plan of Buffering Retention Facility for Waegwan 1&2
and Yeongcheon Donam Industrial Complex in Nakdong River Basin
Korea Environment Corporation2012
Case07 Basic & Working Plan of Buffering Retention Facility for Chaesin 1st
Industrial Complex
Korea Environment Corporation2011
Case08 Basic & Working Plan of Buffering Retention Facility for Gyeongsan 2nd
(Jain) Industrial Complex
Korea Environment Corporation2011
Case09 Basic & Working Plan of Buffering Retention Facility for Gyeongsan 1st
(Jillyang) Industrial Complex
Korea Environment Corporation2009
Case10 Basic & Working Plan of Buffering Retention Facility for Dalseong Industrial
Complex at Daegu
Environmental Management

수집된 자료의 분석을 위해 각 시설의 설계과정에서 적용한 설계항목을 도출하여 분석하였다. 완충저류시설의 설계와 관련된 항목은 크게 기초조사와 관련 분야, 기본설계 분야, 실시설계 분야로 구분되었다. 조사 분야는 지역 현황조사, 관련계획 조사 등의 기초조사와 측량, 지반조사 등의 현장조사로 구분되며, 세부항목을 나열하고 항목의 중복성 검토를 실시하여 분석한 결과 총 118개 항목이 도출되었다. 기초조사와 관련된 주요 항목을 살펴보면 지역의 일반현황 조사, 사회적 특성조사, 산업단지 현황조사, 배수구역 및 기존 관거 현황 조사, 연계처리시설 현황조사, 페수종말처리시설 현황조사, 비점오염저감시설, 환경기초시설 현황, 환경관련 지역현황, 상수도시설 현황, 문화재 및 고적 등 기타 자료 조사, 상위계획 및 관련계획 조사, 관련법규 및 지침 검토, 완충저류시설 설치사례 조사 등으로 구분되었다. 현장조사와 관련된 주요 항목은 측량조사, 지반(토질)조사, 유량 및 수질조사, GPR(Ground Penetrating Radar) 탐사 조사로 구분되었다.

기본설계와 관련된 항목은 총 80개가 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 주요 항목으로는 위치선정, 저류대상구역 설정, 저류대상물질 검토, 완충저류시설 용량 설정, 완충저류시설 목표 처리 효율, 완충저류시설 단위공정 계획, 저류대상물질 차집계획, 유입수 수질모니터링, 저류대상물질 저류계획, 완충저류수의 수질검사, 완충저류수의 처리로 분석되었다. 기본설계와 관련하여 도출된 항목을 위해 활용한 설계도서별 항목별 비교는 다음 Table 2에 수록하였다.

Table 2.

Comparative analysis of basic design items

Item of Basic Design Case
Determination of Location
- Basic Direction
- Regional Status of Target Site
- Comparison of Target Sites
- Review of Target Site
- Selection of Target Site
- Consideration of Transfer Site
- Review of License
Setting of Retention Area
- Installation Purpose & Related Laws
- Retention Area
Review of Retention Materials
- Review of Related Plans and Laws
- Basic Direction
- Selection of Retention Materials
- Review Results
Setting of Capacity for Buffering
Retention Facility
- Basic Direction
- Related Laws & Plans
- Review of Installation Method
- Study on Application of Existing
Facility (Reduction Facility of
Non-point Pollution)
- Selection of Installation Type
- Review of Existing Cases
- Estimation of Accident Spill
- Estimation of Fighting Water
- Estimation of Base Flow rate for
Storm Sewer Pipe
- Determination of Buffering
Retention Facility
- Modeling(Review of Retention Effect
based on Rainfall-Runoff Model)
Objective Treatment Efficiency of
Buffering Retention Facility
- Review of Discharge and
Linked-Processing with Existing
Retention Facility
- Review of Objective Treatment
Efficiency for Non-Point Pollution
Retention Facility
- Water Quality Standard for Simple
Processing Exceeding Facility
Capacity of Public Sewage Treatment
Plant Processes during Rainfall Event
- Review of Management Water
Quality for Combined Sewage
Overflows (CSOs)
- Determination of Objective
Treatment Efficiency for Buffering
Retention Facility
Unit Process Plan of Buffering
Retention Facility
- Unit Operation and Process Plan
- Review of Monitoring Device for
Hazardous Material
- Intercepted Stage of Retention
- Stage of Water Quality Monitoring
- Retention Stage of Retention Material
- Measurement Stage of Water Quality
of Buffering Retention Water
- Treatment Stage of Buffering
Retention Water
- Treatment Stage of Deposit of
Buffering Retention Facility
Intercepted Plan of Retention Material
- Current Status of Storm Sewage Pipe
(Current Status of Drainage Area)
- Intercepted Plan
- Plan of Intercepted Pipe
- Review of Intercepted Facility
(Movable Weir)
- Review of Mountain Valley Inflow
Exclusion and Intercepted Plan
Water Quality Monitoring of Inflow
- Basic Direction
- Installation Basis of Water Quality
Monitoring for Inflow
- Application Case of Buffering
Retention Facility
- Review of Monitoring Device for
General Item
- Review of Monitoring Device for
Hazardous Material
- Determination of Monitoring
Facility for Inflow
Retention Plan for Retention Material
- Basic Direction
- Retention Plan for Clear Day
- Retention Plan for Rainy Day
- Retention Plan for Accident Spill
- Separation Retention Plan based
on Water Quality of Inflow
- Facility Plan
Water Quality Test for Buffering
Retention Water
- Purpose of Water Quality Test
- Period of Sample Collection for
Water Quality Analysis
- Location of Sample Collection of
Buffering Retention Water for
Water Quality Analysis
- Item of Water Quality Test
- Executing Organization of Water
Quality Test
Treatment of Buffering Retention Water
- (Initial Stage) Treatment of Rainfall
- Treatment Concept of Accident Spill
- Investigation of Retention and
Treatment Record of Accident
Spill at Similar Facility
- Review of Treatment Method of
Accident Spill
- Management Plan of Buffering
Retention Facility
- Connecting Process Plan for Waste
Water Treatment Facility
- Review of Connecting Process for
Buffering Retention Facility
- Transfer and Discharge Plan of
Buffering Retention Water
- Review of Contaminant Removal
- Review of Washing Equipment

앞서 기술한 분석방법을 적용하여 실시설계와 관련된 항목을 도출한 결과 총 75개 항이 도출되었으며, 주요 항목은 시설물 배치계획, 관로부설 계획 등이 포함된 토목분야 항목, 구조물 기초 항목, 비탈면 안정성 항목, 건축분야, 기계분야, 전기 및 계측제어 분야, 계측제어 설계, 조경분야 등이 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 또한, 시공계획과 관련된 항목 10개, 시설의 완공후 운영과 관련된 항목 19개, 시운전과 관련된 항목 8개, 사업비 조달 등과 같은 재정과 관련된 항목 16개를 도출하였다. 다음 Table 3은 실시설계 항목을 비교 분석한 결과이다.

Table 3.

Comparative analysis of working design items

Working Plan Item Case
Civil Engineering Field
- Facility Arrangement Plan
- Pipe Installation Plan
- Hydraulic Longitudinal Plan
- Intercepted Facility Plan
- Pipe Foundation
- Review of Depth of Frost Penetration
- Determination of Pipe Thickness
- Structure Plan
- Estimation of Soil Constant
- Structure Foundation Plan
- Review of Excavation Method
- Temporary Facility Plan
- Monitoring Management Plan
- Treatment Plan of Groundwater
Inflow during Construction
- (Structure) Waterproof Type Method
- Rainwater Drainage Plan
- Subsidiary Facility Plan
Review of Structure Foundation
- Review Object and Outline
- Determination of Foundation Type
- Application State of Foundation Type
- Review of Safety for Direct
- Review of Excavation Method
Review of Slope Stability
- Outline
- Method of Soil Slope Analysis
- Applied Groundwater Level
- Review of Safety Ratio of Slope
- Result of Slope Stability Analysis
- Structure Waterproof Type Plan
Architecture Field
- Outline of Construction Work
- Concept of Architecture Plan
- Architecture Plan
- Main Material Plan
- Structure Plan
- Machine Equipment Plan
- Detention Tank Ventilation Plan
Mechanical Field
- Basic Direction
- Design Condition
- Treatment Process Chart of
Buffering Retention Facility
- Comparison of Process Plan and
Main Device per Unit Equipment
- Mechanical Equipment List
- Instrument Diagram Treatment
Schematic Diagram
(Piping and Instrument Diagram)
Electricity & Instrument and
Control Field
- Project Outline
- Project Range
- Plan Direction and Principal Point
- Related Laws and Standard
- Electric Equipment
- Instrument and Control Equipment
- Architecture Electric Equipment
- Disaster Prevention Equipment
- Low Carbon Green Growth Plan
(Energy Saving Plan)
Instrument and Control Plan
- Outline
- Plan Direction and Principal Point
- Project Range
- Related Laws and Standard
- Monitoring Control Equipment
- Remote Monitoring Control
- Instrument Equipment
- Uninterrupted Power Supply
Landscaping Field
- Basic Direction
- Current Status Investigation and
- Plan Content
- Concept of Main Planting
- Determination of Applied Species
of Trees
- Planting Plan
- Planting Planning Map
- Facility Plan
- Pavement Plan

2.2 설계도서 구성 항목의 제안

2014년부터 2020년까지 완충저류시설 설계도서를 검토하여 설계에 적용된 항목을 비교·검토하였다. 완충저류시설 설계도서를 검토한 결과 유사한 입지와 규모의 시설에서도 설계를 위해 검토하는 항목의 차이가 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 이러한 설계도서간 구성항목의 차이는 완충저류시설 설치를 위한 구체적인 지침의 제시가 부족한 것이 원인으로 보이며, 사업의 유사성에도 불구하고 구체적인 기준이 부족할 경우 일반적으로 검토해야 하는 사항이 누락될 수도 있다는 것을 보여주었다. 예를 들어 보면 완충저류시설을 계획할 때 어떤 물질을 저류할 것인지 저류대상물질을 검토해야 한다. 저류대상물질은 청천시, 강우시, 사고유출수 발생시 등의 저류계획을 수립하여 사업계획을 수립하여야 하나, 조사된 사업 중에 이러한 사항을 일부 사업만이 구체적으로 제시하고 있어 관련사항을 정리하여 설계과정에서 누락이 없도록 제시하였다. 또한, 대상부지의 적정성 검토, 위치선정, 편입부지 검토 등과 같은 유사한 항목은 설치대상부지의 적정성 검토 항목으로 통합하였다. 완충저류시설의 설계과정에서 중요한 사항 중 하나는 저류시설의 용량 설정에 관한 것으로 기존의 설계과정에서는 유역 및 배수분구의 유출량 분석에 대한 구체적 제시가 부족하여 수리·수문학적 측면에서 용량 산정 결과의 검토에 다소 어려움이 있었다. 이러한 문제점을 개선하기 위하여 완충저류시설 용량결정시 수리·수문 분석을 통한 저류효과 검토항목을 추가적으로 제시하였다. 본 연구에서는 앞서 기술한 내용과 같이 완충저류시설 설계도서에서 도출한 항목들의 중복성을 검토하고 설계도서 작성시 활용할 수 있도록 각 부분별 위계를 고려하여 항목을 재분류하였다.

설계항목은 크게 조사, 기본설계, 실시설계로 구분하여 각각의 단계에서 어떤 항목을 설계에 포함해야 하는지 설계항목(안)을 제시하였다. 설계항목(안)을 제안하기 위해 먼저 앞서 분석된 결과를 바탕으로 완충저류시설 관련학계, 유관기관, 설계사 등 관계자 30여명의 의견청취를 실시하여 항목을 재조정하여 설계도서 구성 항목을 선정하였다. 도출된 항목은 다음 Table 4에 수록하였다.

Table 4.

Design Items

Basic Plan Item Working Plan Item
Chapter 1. Plan Ability
1. Project Outline
1) Project Background and Object
2) Project Content and Range
3) Project History and Future Plan
4) Project Main content
5) Project Expected Effect
2. Basic Investigation and Related Plan
1) General Current State of Project Area
2) Social Characteristics Investigation
3) Industrial Complex State Investigation
4) Environments Investigation
5) Drainage Area and Existing Pipe State Investigation
6) Environmental Basic Facility State Investigation
7) Related Law and Plan Investigation
8) International and Domestic Buffering Retention Facility
Case Investigation
3. Field Investigation
1) Survey
2) Soil Investigation
3) Discharge and Water Quality Investigation
4) GPR Exploration
4. Location Determination
1) Basic Direction
2) Current State of Project Area
3) Review of Project Area
5. Review of Retention Area Setting and Retention Material
1) Installation Object and Related Law
2) Basic Direction
3) Retention Area
4) Determination of Retention Material
5) Review Result
6. Determination of Capacity for Buffering Retention Facility
1) Related Laws and Plan
2) Review of Existing Case
3) Determination of Capacity for Buffering Retention Facility
4) Review of Retention Effect through Hydraulic &
Hydrologic Analysis
7. Unit Process Plan of Buffering Retention Facility
1) Intercepted Stage of Retention Material
2) Stage of Water Quality Monitoring
3) Retention Stage of Retention Material
4) Water Quality Test Stage of Buffering Retention Water
5) Treatment Stage of Buffering Retention Water
6) Deposit Treatment Stage of Buffering Retention Facility
8. Interception Plan of Retention Material
1) Stormwater Pipe State (Drainage Area State)
2) Intercepted Pipe Plan
9. Water Quality Monitoring for Inflow
1) Review of Monitoring Device for General Item
2) Review of Monitoring Device for Hazardous Material
3) Determination of Monitoring Facility
10. Retention Plan for Retention Material
1) Basic Direction
2) Retention Plan during Clean Day
3) Retention Plan during Rainy Day
4) Retention Plan for Accident Spill
11. Water Quality Test for Buffering Retention Water
1) Location and Period of Sample Collection for Water
Quality Analysis
2) Item of Water Quality Test
3) Executing Organization of Water Quality Test
12. Treatment Plan for Buffering Retention Water
1) Treatment Concept of Accident Spill
2) Review of Treatment Method of Accident Spill
3) Management Plan of Buffering Retention Facility
4) Connecting Process Plan for Waste Water Treatment Facility
5) Transfer and Discharge Plan of Buffering Retention Water
6) Review of Contaminant Removal Device
7) Review of Washing Equipment
Chapter 2. Construction Ability
1. Construction Plan
1) Preliminary Review Item
2) Establishment of Construction Management Plan
3) Traffic Management Plan
4) Rock Management Plan
2. Process Management Plan
1) Process Plan
2) Detailed Process Plan
3) Management and Countermeasure for Process Impediment
3. Quality Management Plan
1) General Plan for Construction Quality Management
2) Test Standards for Quality Management per Processes
Chapter 3. Maintenance Management
1. Facility Operation and Maintenance Management
1) Organization Composition for Maintenance Management
3) Operation Management and Education
3) Current State Investigation and Improved Action
2. Management Standard
1) Water Quality Monitoring
2) Accident Spill and Initial Stormwater Retention
3) Water Quality Test for Retention Water
4) Treatment of Retention Water
5) Deposit Treatment
3. Safety Management Plan
1) Safety Management Plan based on Disaster Types
2) Protection Plan for Buffering Retention Facility
3) Cooperation of Related Agency and Emergency
Restoration System
4) Safety Securement Plan for System and Equipment
4. Project Management Plan
1) Feasibility of Project Management Organization
Chapter 4. Economic Feasibility
1. Feasibility of Economic Analysis
1) Determination of Plan and Economic Analysis
2. Feasibility of Management Cost
3. Economic Securement Plan for Each Process
Chapter 5. Environmental Review
1. Reduction Plan of Environmental Pollution during
1) Environment Management Plan
2) Draw and Reduction Plan of Environmental Damage
Factor during Construction
3) Protection Plan for Animals, Plants, and Cultural
Assets in the case of necessity
4) Management Plan of Soil Pollution in the case of necessity
2. Waste Management Plan
1) Waste Occurrence Factor and Management Plan
2) Waste Reduction Plan and Recycle Plan
3) Waste Emission Management Plan
3. Environment-Friendly Plan
1) Determination of Eco-Friendly Equipment for Each Field
Chapter 6. Etc.
1. Advanced Prevention and Preparation Plan for Expected
Civil Complaint
1) Management Plan for Civil Complaint
2) Preparation Plan for Expected Civil Complaint
2. Eduction Plan for Resident
3. Reduction Plan for Civil Complaint
1) Reduction Plan of Expected Civil Complaint for
Each Process
2) Reduction Plan of Expected Civil Complaint for
Each Location
4. Handling Plan for Civil Complaint
Chapter 1. Civil Engineering Field
1. Facility Arrangement Plan
1) Consideration of Facility Arrangement
2) Basic Concept of Facility Arrangement
3) Facility Outline
4) Structure Plan
5) Structure Longitudinal Plan
6) Earthwork Plan
2. Pipe Construction Plan
1) Pipe Installation Plan
2) Pipe Laying Plan
3) Floor Plan
4) Review of Pipe Type
5) Review of Excavation Method
6) Review of Pipe Jacking Method
3. Hydraulic Longitudinal Plan
1) Basic Direction
2) Hydraulic Plan
3) Structure Longitudinal Plan
4. Interception Facility Plan
1) Pumping Station Plan and Capacity Estimation
2) Plan of Motorized Valve Room
3) Plan of Discharge Monitoring Room
4) Drainage Gate
5) Plan of Manhole Installation
6) Etc.
5. Pipe Foundation
1) Consideration of Pipe Foundation Determination
2) Standard for Foundation Work
3) Review of Pipe Strength
4) Estimation of Rigid Pipe Strength
5) Estimation of Flexible Pipe Strength
6) Review Result of Pipe Foundation
6. Review of Frost Penetration Depth
1) Outline
2) Estimation of Modified Frost Penetration Depth
3) Estimation Method of Frost Penetration Depth
4) Estimation Result of Frost Penetration Depth
7. Determination of Pipe Thickness
1) Standard of Determination of Pipe Thickness
2) Determination of Pipe Thickness
8. Structure Plan
1) General Item
2) Plan Standard
3) Feasibility of Structure Plan
4) Earthquake-Resistant Design
5) Review of Usability and Safety
6) Result of Structure Analysis
9. Review of Structure Foundation Safety
1) Outline
2) Determination of Foundation Type
3) Standard of Foundation Safety
4) Soil Constant
5) Review of Foundation Safety
6) Result of Safety Analysis
7) Quality Management Plan
10. Review of Excavation Method
1) Comparison and Review of Excavation Method
2) Comparison and Review of Support Method
11. Review of Slope Stability
1) Outline
2) Method of Soil Slope Analysis
3) Applied Groundwater Level
4) Review of Safety Ratio of Slope
5) Result of Slope Stability Analysis
12. Temporary Facility Plan
1) Safety Consideration and Standard for Each Facility
2) Load Condition for Each Facility
3) Temporary Facility Plan for Each Facility
13. Structure Waterproof Type Plan
1) Problem and Countermeasure for Existing Waterproof Type
2) Classification of Waterproof Type for Each Structure
3) Determination of Waterproof Type for Each Structure
14. Stormwater Drainage Plan
2) Basin and Drainage Area Setup
2) Rainfall Analysis
3) Runoff Estimation
4) Stormwater Drainage Plan
Chapter 2. Architecture Fied
1. Architecture Plan
1) Outline
2) Exterior Material Detail
3) Floor Plan, Section Plan, Elevation Plan
2. Structure Plan
1) Material and Standard Strength
2) Analysis and Application of Various Load Condition
3) Structure Analysis
3. Machine Equipment Plan
1) Review of Related Law
2) Air-Conditioning Equipment Plan
3) Ventilation Plan
4) Firefighting Equipment Plan
5) Machine Equipment Installation Plan
Chapter 3. Mechanical Field
1. Basic Direction
1) Outline
2) Consideration of Mechanical Equipment
3) Arrangement Plan
4) Durability Securement and Proper Material Application
2. Plan Condition
1) Capacity of Buffering Retention Facility
2) Inflow of Buffering Retention Facility
3) Inflow of Pumping Station
3. Comparison of Process Plan and Main Machine for
Each Equipment
1) Valve Room and Pumping Station Equipment
2) Inflow Pipe Equipment
3) Screen Equipment
4) Retention Tank Equipment
5) Cleaning Equipment
4. Machine List
1) Outlet Pumping Station Equipment
2) Buffering Retention Facility Equipment
Chapter 4. Electricity & Instrument and Control Field
1. Electricity Plan
1) Project Outline
2) Project Range
3) Related Law and Standard
4) Electric Power Equipment
5) Architecture Electric Equipment
6) Disaster Prevention Equipment
7) Energy Saving Plan
2. Instrument and Control Equipment
1) Outline
2) Basic Direction
3) Project Range
4) Related Law
5) Monitoring Control Equipment
6) Remote Monitoring Control Equipment
7) Instrument Equipment
8) Uninterrupted Power Supply Equipment
9) CCTV Equipment
Chapter 5. Landscaping Field
1. Basic Direction
2. Concept of Main Planting
3. Determination of Applied Species of Trees
4. Planting Plan
5. Planting Planning Map

3. 결 론

본 연구에서는 2014년부터 2020년까지 주요 완충저류시설 설계 도서를 수집·분석하여 완충저류시설 설계시 활용된 항목을 도출하고 검토하였다. 분석결과 각각의 설계도서에서 설계에 반영된 항목이 상이한 경우를 확인할 수 있었다. 완충저류시설 설계를 위한 명확한 가이드라인 및 관련 연구가 부족한 실정으로 본 연구에서 제안한 항목을 설계에 반영한다면 좀 더 내실 있는 완충저류시설의 설계를 위한 기반조성이 가능할 것이다. 또한, 완충저류시설과 관련된 연구가 지속적으로 필요한 것을 확인할 수 있었다.


This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. 2022R1A2C200403411).


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Chungju-si (2016). Basic & Working Plan of Buffering Retention Facility for MegaPolis. Chungju: Chungju-si.
Environmental Management Corporation (2004). Basic & Working Plan of Buffering Retention Facility for Dalseong Industrial Complex. Incheon: EMC.
Jinwi 3rd Industrial Complex (2017). Basic & Working Plan of Buffering Retention Facility for Jinwi 3rd Industrial Complex. Pyeongtaek: Jinwi 3rd IC. lnc.
Korea Environment Corporation (2009). Basic & Working Plan of Buffering Retention Facility for Gyeongsan 1st (Jillyang) Industrial Complex. Incheon: KECO.
Korea Environment Corporation (2011). Basic & Working Plan of Buffering Retention Facility for Chaesin 1st Industrial Complex. Incheon: KECO.
Korea Environment Corporation (2011). Basic & Working Plan of Buffering Retention Facility for Gyeongsan 2nd (Jain) Industrial Complex. Incheon: KECO.
Korea Environment Corporation (2012). Basic & Working Plan of Buffering Retention Facility for Waegwan 1&2 and Yeongcheon Donam Industrial Complex in Nakdong River Basin. Incheon: KECO.
Korea Environment Corporation (2013). Basic & Working Plan of Buffering Retention Facility for Kimcheon Industrial Complex in Nakdong River Basin. Incheon: KECO.
Korea Environment Corporation (2014). Basic & Working Plan of Buffering Retention Facility for Goryeong Dasan Industrial Complex in Nakdong River Basin. Incheon: KECO.
Ministry of Environment (2019). Guidline of Installation and Operation Management for Buffering Retention Facility. Sejong: ME.

Korean References Translated from the English

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