Original Article
A Study on the Case of Explosive Accidents of Lead Storage Battery for Maritime Light Buoy System: Focusing on the Cause of Overcharging
등부표 부동충전용 연축전지 폭발사고 사례 고찰: 과충전 원인 중심 분석
Dong-Ju Park, Dong-Kurl Kwak, Dong-Hun Park
박동주, 곽동걸, 박동훈
A Study on the Case of Explosive Accidents of Lead Storage Battery for Maritime Light Buoy System: Focusing on the Cause of Overcharging
Original Article
A Study on the Multifunctional Utilization of CCTV in Agricultural Water Resource Management
농업용 수자원 관리에서 CCTV의 다목적 활용 방안 연구
Jang Hyun Sung, Jaeseon Yoon, Jinsoo Kim, Young-Ho Seo, Junehyeong Park
성장현, 윤재선, 김진수, 서영호, 박준형
A Study on the Multifunctional Utilization of CCTV in Agricultural Water Resource Management
Original Article
Development of Electronic Devices and System that Provide Fantasy-Style Special Effects to Archery Activities
궁술 행위에 공상적 특수효과를 부여하는 전자장치 및 시스템 개발
Jin-Seong Jeon, Dong-Kurl Kwak, Ki-Don An
전진성, 곽동걸, 안기돈
Development of Electronic Devices and System that Provide Fantasy-Style Special Effects to Archery Activities